An "R and R and D and D" (research and development of relative dimensionality) cybernetic experiment using bijective spaces and audio feedback. See also "twelve steps to screw-dom".

Project Motivation: the general idea is to try activate a cube of space, stimulate it, and illuminate it's energy flow.

1. A Verlet Integrated Voxel Grid of Points (in pink) -- at each timestep, a screw or torque measurement is taken by distance travelled from original position in the grid. This distance line of motion is treated as a directed line (a dual vector) in plücker space (represented in green).

2. Concurrently, "spindles" are grown from points at the center of the cube using dual quaternionic line transformations employed in robot arm applications. Known as "kinematic manipulators", these joints curl and uncurl as the cube is excited.

3. The cube is excited. A point is displaced affecting the other points through verlet integration. The "spindles" grow in response to excitement level. The dual vector representations are used to measure the amount of energy in a voxel -- if the lines of motion of each voxel point are oriented in a particular way, the voxel cube is "filled in".

4. The work uses audio feedback to excite the cube, and OSC messages from neighboring computers. Additionally, light sensors are employed to affect spindle growth. Robotic Spindles are the next . . .